Work to complete the first stage of the Hokitika Swimming Pool refurbishment wrapped up on Friday, 17 December. This work brings the building’s strength up to National Building Standards, and also included electrical improvements, fire protection, HVAC and emergency lighting.
Westland District Council Chief Executive, Simon Bastion comments, “Our appointed contractors did an excellent job in trying times with the issues caused by Covid-19 delaying the work by six weeks. They had to deal with lockdown, level 3 work restrictions and the difficulties in getting materials from Auckland during the long lockdown up there. All-in-all I think they’ve done very well to hand the building back before Christmas, and I’m looking forward to Destination Westland reopening the pool in the New Year.”
“Destination Westland is excited to get the pool back up and running for the local community to enjoy over the summer period”, says Chief Executive Melanie Anderson. “We are extremely happy with the structural works that have been completed to the complex and can’t wait for exciting things to come in Stage two.
Our official opening date for the pool is 1 January. We are aiming to hold our summer swim school block in mid-January. We would also like to thank Hokitika Primary school and surrounding local swimming pools for donating their facilities so that our new lifeguards could complete their training and the Hokitika Swimming club could continue to train.”
Stage Two of works will commence in 2022, with the pool gaining a new front-of-house reception area and changing facilities. Planning for this is underway and the usual winter maintenance closure is likely to be extended to allow Stage Two to go ahead.
Media enquiries to:
Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor