Hokitika Swimming Pool is closed for at least a week for boiler repairs.
Destination Westland Chief Executive, Melanie Anderson says, “Pool staff and Destination Westland Management have been working with boiler engineers, plumbers and electricians to find the root cause of the boiler’s problems. We have identified that a new burner is required, but due to supply shortages, it is unlikely to arrive before Tuesday 16 February. In the meantime, the burner has been turned off as it is a potential fire hazard. This means the pool has cooled down and with the cooler weather outside, this happened faster than we hoped it would.
Staff do not want patrons to have a poor experience using a cold pool, so we have closed for the week while we wait for the replacement parts. As these parts are in short supply due to overseas shipping issues, we believe that a one-week turnaround is an excellent result.”
Destination Westland apologises for the inconvenience to pool users and staff look forward to welcoming everyone back to a nice warm pool when the burner has been fixed.
Media enquiries to:
Melanie Anderson, ceo@destinationwestland.co.nz